If you're in the Sheboygan area this weekend, check out Sheboygan Non-Con. This event is all about two of my favorite things: drinking and gaming. This is the second year of the event, and it's on from Friday, February 5th through Sunday, February 7th 2016.
Tonight, there is a Star Wars Imperial Assualt battle set on Hoth going on. The game includes an impressive collection of miniatures and some incredible custom scenery.

Saturday afternoon has a bunch of "brews and boardgames" sessions, with a good spread of games available.

As well, there are some D&D and Pathfinder sessions, including "Rise of the Goblin Guild" and "Crown of the Kobold King". On Saturday at noon, there will even be a special 3-table cooperative Pathfinder session, entitled "Wrath of Winter".
There's some cool Dwarven-Forge scenery set up for many of the D&D and Pathfinder sessions.

Sheboygan Non-Con is a 21-and-over event, and it's taking place at the 8th Street Ale Haus in Sheboygan, WI. You can pick up a 3-day pass for the low price of $30. Visit the Storm Bunny Studios webiste to pick up tickets and view the schedule. Visit the event Facebook page here. The event is wrapping up on Superbowl Sunday, and a great way to spend your Sunday afternoon before the game.
And of course, there's lot's of great craft beer to be enjoyed.

This event is sponsored by Storm Bunny Studios, 8th Street Ale Haus, The Game Board, and New Holland Brewing.