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Sheboygan Non-Con

If you're in the Sheboygan area this weekend, check out Sheboygan Non-Con. This event is all about two of my favorite things: drinking and gaming. This is the second year of the event, and it's on from Friday, February 5th through Sunday, February 7th 2016.

Tonight, there is a Star Wars Imperial Assualt battle set on Hoth going on. The game includes an impressive collection of miniatures and some incredible custom scenery.

Saturday afternoon has a bunch of "brews and boardgames" sessions, with a good spread of games available.

As well, there are some D&D and Pathfinder sessions, including "Rise of the Goblin Guild" and "Crown of the Kobold King". On Saturday at noon, there will even be a special 3-table cooperative Pathfinder session, entitled "Wrath of Winter".

There's some cool Dwarven-Forge scenery set up for many of the D&D and Pathfinder sessions.

Sheboygan Non-Con is a 21-and-over event, and it's taking place at the 8th Street Ale Haus in Sheboygan, WI. You can pick up a 3-day pass for the low price of $30. Visit the Storm Bunny Studios webiste to pick up tickets and view the schedule. Visit the event Facebook page here. The event is wrapping up on Superbowl Sunday, and a great way to spend your Sunday afternoon before the game.

And of course, there's lot's of great craft beer to be enjoyed.

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